spanking is never far away

You may not have gathered, but we have been away. I always try to promptly reply to comments, but cannot when out of town. We also had  very severe food poisoning or some sort of very severe 5 hour virus.
 An upside to the dreaded vo.. and di.. and blacking out is that I lost a pound or two..   :)

We are now feeling better, but it has taken a week, and thus I was spanked yesterday.

Bare bottomed, over the knee, with the wooden hairbrush reddening my bottom, and making my feet dance. The reason is unimportant, except for me to remember that it does not happen again.
 It is always astonishing that if you have not been spanked for two weeks, how soft your bottom becomes, in terms of reacting to being spanked. You feel every spank, specially since Cindy was in the mood to make this spanking FELT, and FELT well....

Cindy spanked until her arm tired, and then paused but kept me on her lap... [fortunatley fo rme Cindy had been at the gym earlier, and had done a fitness class with weights, and thus her arms were tired].
I did not actually notice any fatigue in her spanking skills, and specially when she resumed. Another good minute or more of constant hard spanks all in one spot, then moving to another spot, and then randomly everywhere so that I could not anticipate anything...
I was well roasted when Cindy stopped, and then we made passionate love...

Life could not be finer, even if we lived in Carolina.. (do you know that tune..nothing could be finer than to be in Caroliner in the morning.. AL JOLSON)

a little addendum: Cindy used the soup stirrer earlier today when displeased. Short and effective.. so we are really back in the world of spanking..)