It might take a little suggestion on my part,but Cindy is willing to follow through on my requests. We were going out to a couple's house for dinner, and although they are wonderful people, they talk a lot more about absolute trivia with great passion.
We have previously solved my staying calm and pleasant, by a spanking before we go to visit, or have them come over to our house. The tried and true method is a good hard spanking, so that I feel it while seated, or even standing.
I suggested the spanking, and then we could also make love.
In relatively no time whatsoever, after a quick freshen up bath / shower for both of us, I was bare bottomed over Cindy's knees! Cindy sits in the middle of the bed, so I am prone and not having the head down, nor supporting my weight with my hands and shoulders.
Cindy retrieved the wooden hair brush herself, so she was definitely eager.
A few hard hand spanks, and then the brush started it's magic. Cindy spanks one cheek for eight or more spanks, then moves to the other cheek to spread the warming pain. This spanking was harder than the last one, and my bottom has been slow in recovering from it, by my way of thinking.

The brush continued it's magic, as my feet started dancing.

My bottom was fire engine red when we were getting changed for dinner, and about five hours later when back at home, my bottom was still red in the main area. The next morning, a blush shade of red was still present.