As a little update on life after a heart attack, Cindy has spanked me a few times but only a few strong whacks with a wooden kitchen utensil. Seems I upset her more when she is cooking, or simply she is simply less patient.
However, I have spanked Cindy a few times recently. They are related to my heart attack, as Cindy becomes overwhelmed and excessively overprotective.
I have dropped out of cardiac rehab!
The only follow the leader I like would be if these ladies were leading.
The lectures are dumbed down to a grade one primary school level, because of the perceived target audience of my community. Both Cindy and I have a university degree. The presented materials of each weekly meeting explain what already exists in the handouts they gave me on leaving the hospital. The lectures are given by people who have no idea how to teach. Lastly, the lecturers get flustered, give personal ideas, and some are blatantly wrong. Example: better to go out and hit a bucket of balls, than to play nine holes of golf using a motorized golf cart, when re-starting to exercise. STUPID!!! A bucket of balls (around 80 balls) requires bending down to place the ball on a tee many times, lifting the arms over the head 80 times, and swinging, repetitively and often. Playing golf takes time between each shot, walking to and from the cart, and waiting while other people play their ball.

The most important lecture they say that could not be missed is when we visit a local Publix super market, and they show us how to read labels on products. I used to say to counter the excitement of something like this by saying "oh heart be still" ,but am learning to say something else. We read labels. We purchase low sodium or low fat items. We purchase a lot of food at Whole Foods. We eat fish three times a week, and usually all wild (halibut, PACIFIC Salmon) rainbow trout. Cindy makes soup that we are eating almost every day for lunch. I have lost 10 pounds, and am now about 170.
They did not mention the dangers of grapefruit, which I already knew.
If you know anyone on pills after a heart attack, copy and paste this link in an email to them. Don't send them to my site, as that might cause you enough stress to have a heart attack.
The exercise program is two sessions a week,but DUMB. They are designed for people who are very overweight, or old, and who never exercise.... I have been given a target heart rate of 105 - 118, but am not allowed to jog... I cannot get above 90 on a treadmill without a slope so high i need to hold on for dear life. The exercises are for people who never exercised in life. I golf, officiate where I run a lot, play baseball, and ski downhill in winter. I have a heart monitor, and have started gardening, but the heart rate does not get above 90. Obviously, I will not garden in the summer, except at dusk if it is not too hot.

I have looked on the web for more information, and basically cardiac rehab is designed to get you active instead of sedentary. You should warm-up for 15 minutes, exercise for 15 - 40 minutes at your target heart rate, then cool down for 15 minutes. The program I was in sometimes started late because the lecturer did not limit the length and ran over, then warm-up(15 minutes0, exercise less than 30 minutes,then cool down(10 minutes), but always stop on time... No, if we start late, then we do a full hour....
I will be working out at the gym in both a post cardiac rehab program and another program four times a week. Guidelines say that you should be back to normal after six weeks, so now that it is about 7.5 weeks, I intend to start living normally and exercising often.;
keep smiling
The photos are just meant to be fun to look at.. I always love looking at women!!!