smiling is the best option

Whether you are the spanker contemplating the spanking you are about to give

and enjoying the thought

or  giving a spanking and enjoying your task

or the spankee who was spanked and enjoyed most moments of being spanked

remember that
A smiling spanker makes the day better, specially when rewarded with a glass of wine served by her recently spanked partner
so enjoy life... and bare that bottom often
even if it causes some momentary tears

the stern approach

Personally, I believe a spanking should be used to solve problems,
and not something that makes the spanker unhappy.
Cindy occasionally gets unhappier when the occasional time she starts to lecture about a problem...
and gets more worked up about the problem

than enjoying the solution
so enjoy contemplating the solution
and applying the solution to his bottom
no questions needed
and enjoy looking at the end result

the way it is

Sometimes, it is best just to do as you are told
 and whether you are a owman or a man having your underwear lowered
 Know that the spanker is ready to solve a problem, while in many cases thoroughly enjoying them-self
so both one eye and one hairbrush is peeking out at you
bottoms up, girls
and boys

A delightful view

Well, the view is : YOU ARE GOING TO BE SPANKED

to what might happen afterwards
  the spanking is being given
 but the erection lingers on, and she is admiringly contemplating the immediate future
 so let the cuddling (and more) begin

enjoy your spankings, specially afterwards
bottoms up


A thought for the cell phone generation

A thought to ponder:  Wearing camouflage clothing sometimes does not work....
and now...
A woman goes to the hospital.

"What seems to be the problem?" asked the Doctor.

"Something is terribly wrong, I keep finding postage stamps from Costa Rica in my vagina."

The Doctor had a look, chuckled and said "Those aren't postage stamps my dear, they're the sticker's off the bananas"

and now...A very creative food option...Dessert anyone
hopefully you are smiling....
and then

vacation spanking

It depends on the type of vacation you have, as to whether spanking can make it onto the agenda. We did a eight day ski vacation, where one day was getting to the mountain, and one day to return.
This resulted in six days of skiing for me, and four for Cindy.

Really happy to have skied for six days, and really happy to be relaxing and recuperating at home now.

Thus, on the night before returning home, I asked Cindy for a spanking before making love.
Being the wonderful wife that  Cindy is, she gladly accommodated my request.
Bare bottom, over Cindy's knees, for a nice bottom warming with our travelling wooden hairbrush. I never got to the owwwing and feet dancing, but the spanking was still effective, and then making love was delicious.
No chance of being overheard, as these were classy accommodations, and the walls were soundproof.

Spanking on vacations is fun... try it sometime!!!

The wedding night (and a poll)

A captioned photo being posted often at the moment
and your response... "but you will be very gentle... as I have been told that marital spankings are simply friendly reminders",
and your wife responds
bottoms up
If you could start your married life again

Christmas thoughts

Thought I might start the Christmas season with a few ideas...
 so expect to be spanked.... SURPRISE!!!
 and if you are stuck getting that special present for your husband / or wife

and Santa will reciprocate with special presents
Enjoy naughty thoughts as Christmas approaches

the usual way a spanking begins

yes dear, I have been waiting for you, and you know WHY!
 No point trying to explain...
 Do not make me wait too long while you get undressed
that's it, be quick
so, what are you waiting for
over my knee now!!!
and the spanking commences