Wooden hair brushes give a heart warming thrill to many spankees,
and I imagine also for the spanker.
They not only warm the heart, but also the bottom.

I found this next picture interesting, wondering what the history is for it to be so worn on the non-brushing side.
Our most worn brush is the bath brush bought ever so many years ago from the Vermont Country store. It has never been used in the bath, but it's wooden back is severely worn.
It certainly heats up my bottom, and gets my feet dancing a merry jig
The wonderful thing about hair brushes, is that they are good for men and women's bottoms.

flat brushes

work well
as do oval brushes
and rectangular brushes are excellent also
oval are fun
but one of ours its traditional, capable of being carried in a purse daily
and applied immediately when the opportunity avails itself
and a last reminder that the back of the legs, both at the crese of buttocks to legs, and slightly below, bring delightful compliance
just don't hurt the family jewels
and if she rocks too much, you can also hold onto that pony tail to keep her on your lap.