Kinky Guy

A relatively new blog is owned by a person who calls himself kinky guy. I can relate to some of what he writes, and hopefully many readers might find it interesting.

 One well written posting is:

Kinky guy only started in October, and has only 12 posts, but they are worth reading.
"Just a kinky guy like anyone else that leads a normal life by day and a kinky one by night. I like to be different and try new things, neither a dominant or a submissive, I can take my pick of which role I take depending on my mood. This gives me the chance to experiment to the full and try anything that takes my fancy and turns me on."
He has thoughtful posts, which is fun to read. One is on his and her panties (knickers... I really love that name).
Another on visiting a professional, with a wonderful link to a great site.
The pictures are from his blog.