Thus, this morning, she came into the room where I was on the computer, and stated that she had time to give me a quick spanking. FOLLOW ME!
We went into the bedroom, where she explained why I would be spanked, and on her own retrieved one of my leather belts... (note to self: purchase less wide belts)
Bare bottomed, kneeling on the bed, Cindy applied the belt with full arm swings, while lecturing that I should be very careful and respectful during the conversation later today. I readily agreed.

Later that same morning: I came in to the bedroom, about to take a shower, when Cindy stated: " Are you ready for your next spanking?"
What???? I said quietly to myself.
To Cindy, I quietly stated that:" you have already spanked me?
"Yes, but I am going to spank you again. Do you want the spanking before or after your shower?"
I decided after, as it would postpone the spanking a little, and I would have shaken all the cobwebs out of my system.
I showered, and Cindy was waiting patiently in the bedroom when I returned.
Cindy usually directs me to retrieve an implement, but this time, like earlier today, she went into our spanking implement bag and retrieved her trusty metal studded heart shaped paddle.
"Lie on the bed"
Yes dear.

This next photo shows the up and down swings that were rapidly scorching my bottom.

One last round of spanks, followed by three words to remember, each punctuated by a strong spank, and I was permitted to rise. While lying on the bed, I thanked Cindy for the spanking, and promised to be good.
We took a picture of my beet red bottom, which I may include in this post.

Who knows what may follow later..
Addendum: the meeting and discussion was excellent, but my bottom is still sore putting the finishing touches on this post